Mission Statement:
The New Plimmoth Gard is a group of historical reenactors portraying the culture and militia of Plymouth Colony circa 1621-1646. Our aim is to promote knowledge and understanding of early colonial society and the importance of military preparedness. We do this through historically accurate demonstrations of military and domestic arts of the early Plymouth Colony, for the education of the members and general public.
Constitution/Bylaws of the New Plimmoth Gard
Article 1 – Name, Purpose, Offices, and Fiscal Year
Section 1.1. Name. The name of this organization shall be the New Plimmoth Gard (NPG)
Section 1.2. Purpose. NPG is a group of historical reenactors portraying the culture and militia of Plymouth Colony circa 1621-1646. Our aim is to promote knowledge and understanding of early colonial society and the importance of military preparedness. We do this through historically accurate demonstrations of military and domestic arts of the early Plymouth Colony, for the education of the members and general public.
Section 1.3. Offices. The mailing address and home office of NPG shall be at the address of the Captain unless changed by the membership.
Section 1.4. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the NPG shall begin on the 1st day of February in each year and end January 31 of the following year.
Article 2 – Meetings Generally
Section 2.1. Conduct of Meetings. Meetings may be conducted in the manner directed by the officer who is presiding over the meeting. When necessary, those presiding at the meeting may invoke Roberts Rules of Order.
Section 2.2. Membership Meetings
(A) Regular Meetings of the Members. Regular meetings of the members of the NPG shall be held at such time and place as the Officers shall determine by resolution. The Annual Meeting of the members of the NPG shall take place at least once during each calendar year and shall be held within the month of January each year.
(B) Quorum. A quorum shall be attained by a majority of the members of the NPG who are in good standing and entitled to vote at the meeting.
(C) Place of Meeting of the Members. Meetings of the members of the NPG may be held at such place as the officers may from time to time appoint or as may be designated in the notice of the meeting.
(D) Organization of Meetings of the Members. At every meeting of the NPG, the Captain or, in the case of a vacancy in the office or absence of the Captain, who ever is next in command shall act as chair of the meeting.
Article 3 – Notice, Waivers, Meetings Generally
Section 3.1 Manner of Giving Notice. Notices of meetings and events shall be distributed by email in a timely a manner.
Section 3.2. Notice of Annual Meeting.
(A) General Rule. Notice of the annual meeting and regular meetings of the NPG shall be given at least ten (10) days before the time at which the meeting is to be held. Notice of every special meeting of the NPG in writing/email at least five (5) days before the time at which the meeting is to be held. Every such notice shall state the time and place of the meeting.
(B) Notice of Action by Officers on By-laws. In the case of a meeting of the Officers or members that has as one of its purposes action on the By-laws, written notice shall be given to each member that the purpose, or one of the purposes, of the meeting is to consider the adoption, amendment or repeal of the By-laws. There shall be included in, or enclosed with, the notice a copy of the proposed amendment or a summary of the changes to be effected thereby.
Article 4 – Officers
Section 4.01. Officers Generally
(A) Number, Qualifications and Designation. The elected officers of the organization shall be:
· The Captain
· Any number of Lieutenants, Sergeants, and Ensigns as deemed appropriate by the membership. The Captain shall assign specific duties to the Lieutenants, Sergeants, and Ensigns
· Two Clerks of the Band, one to act as Secretary and the other as Treasurer
· Any other special officers as deemed appropriate by the membership
(B) Resignation. Any officer may resign at any time upon written notice to the membership of the NPG. The resignation shall be effective upon receipt thereof by the membership or at such subsequent time as may be specified in the notice of resignation.
Section 4.02. Election and Term of Office. The officers of the organization shall be elected annually by the members of the NPG who are entitled to vote, and each such officer shall hold office for a term of one year and until a successor has been selected and qualified or until his or her earlier death, resignation or removal. There are no limits set to the number of terms a member may serve in any capacity as an officer.
Section 4.03. Subordinate Officers and Agents. The Officers may from time to time elect/appoint such other officers, committees, members or other agents as needed.
Section 4.04. Removal of Officers and Agents. Any officer or agent of the organization may be removed by a 2/3 vote of the membership in good standing, for verified cause.
Section 4.05. Vacancies. A vacancy in any office shall be filled by the remaining Officers or committee to which the power to fill such office has been delegated pursuant to Section 4.03, as the case may be, and if the office is one for which these By-laws prescribe a term, shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term. The appointed officer may then be reelected at the annual meeting of membership.
Section 4.06. The Captain. The Captain of the NPG shall attend and chair all membership meetings. The Captain shall have general supervision over the business and operations of the organization. The Captain shall sign, execute, and acknowledge, in the name of the organization, contracts or other instruments in support of NPG activities.
- Specific Duties of the Captain.
(1) Represent the organization and sign all legal documents.
(2) Preside at all meetings.
(3) Have the right to chair or sit on or in all committees.
(4) Conduct the business and set the event schedule of the organization.
(5) Supervise the members, officers, and activities of the organization.
(6) Is first in command of the reenactment units.
(7) When absent from an event, the Captain will appoint an officer to command, or a full member if no officer is available.
(8) Be listed on all NPG bank accounts.
(9) Assist the membership in historical authenticity.
(10) Assign duties to members during re-enactment exercises
(11) Grant or accept applications for membership, and give out copies of drills, rules, etc. needed for company they are joining.
(12) Keep the unit apprised on probationary member’s progress toward full membership.
Section 4.07. Secretary. The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the organization, record all the votes of the Membership, and keep the minutes of the meetings of the organization in a book or books to be kept for that purpose; shall see that notices are given and records and reports are properly kept and filed by the organization as required by law. Responsible for keeping up to date, and keeping all past records there of, of legal documentation.
Section 4.8. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have or provide for the custody of the funds of the organization; shall collect and receive or provide for the collection and receipt of moneys earned by or in any manner due to or received by the organization; shall deposit all funds in his or her custody as Treasurer in such banks or other places of deposit; shall render an account showing all transactions as Treasurer and the financial condition of the organization; and, in general, shall discharge such other duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Captain.
- Specific Duties of the Treasurer.
(1) Authorized to provide funds requested by the Captain to pay bills incurred in the performance of their duties.
(2) Will provide for reimbursement of expenses upon receipt of proof of expense.
(3) Will give a report on the organization’s finances at the annual meeting
Article 5 – Membership
Section 5.01. Membership Qualifications. Membership shall be open to any person who is a minimum of eighteen (18) years of age who is interested in the history of the 17th Century English Colony at Plymouth, and is willing to conform to the purpose, objectives, traditions, authenticity and the By-laws of the NPG. No person or persons shall be denied membership in the NPG based on age, sex, race, creed, physical limitation or national origin. Only those full and provisional members over eighteen (18) may carry weapons. All members of any level must be current with individual or group liability insurance, or any such program as adopted by the officers or membership. In addition the NPG will charge a one time fee of $50 for each full member to be paid directly to the Treasurer. These funds shall be unencumbered.
Section 5.02. Procedure for Membership.
- Prospective members of the NPG must obtain the sponsorship of a current Full Member in good standing. This sponsor will introduce the prospect to membership.
- The membership will interview the prospective member. If accepted this person will become a probationary member for one year from that date. If rejected the prospect may reapply after a 1 year period.
- At the end of the one year probationary period, and after successfully meeting all requirements of membership a vote will be taken to accept this prospect as a full member or dismiss this prospect. If a prospect shall be dismissed by this vote they will no longer be eligible for membership in the future.
Section 5.03. Membership Classes
- Full Member. A full member in good standing is one who has completed probationary membership, has read and agrees to uphold and follow the By-laws of NPG, has been voted a full member subject to other conditions of membership as defined in the By-laws, has paid all fees, is not under disciplinary action as defined by the By-laws and has been accepted for full membership by an affirmative majority vote of the members present who are entitled to vote at any regular or special meeting called for such purpose.
- Probationary Member Vote. After one year the members will vote on the probationary member’s status at the next Membership Meeting pursuant to Section 5.02.
- Right of Refusal of Membership. The membership has the right to refuse to promote the probationary member to full membership. No reason need be given for such refusal.
- Acceptance to Full Membership. If accepted for full membership, the membership shall be effective immediately with all benefits, duties, obligations and privileges associated with full membership as provided in the By-laws.
- Privileges of Full Membership. A full member shall be permitted to hold elected office, nominate for offices, second nominations for offices, vote in elections for offices, vote for fundamental changes to the By-laws, chair or sit on any committee, attend and vote on any disciplinary actions, or act in the capacity of an advisor. These privileges are contingent upon being a full member in good standing.
- Full Member in Good Standing. A full member in good standing shall have all dues, fees, and assessments paid, and are not currently subject to disciplinary action.
- Removal from Good Standing. A full member in good standing may be removed from good standing for failure to pay any dues, fees, or assessments as required or for other reason as may be set forth in these By-laws.
- Restriction of Reduction to Probationary Member Status. A full member may not be reduced to probationary membership or applicant status
- Probationary Membership. A probationary member is one who has applied for probationary membership in the NPG, agrees to read, uphold, abide by and follow the By-laws of the organization, and has paid all dues, fees and assessments, and individual or group liability insurance or any such program as adopted by the officers or membership, but has not been accepted for full membership.
- Associate Members. An associate member is one who is under eighteen (18) years of age and who is accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who is a probationary or full member. The spouse/partner of a full member may also be considered an Associate member. The Associate Member must be in the correct dress. The probationary member or full member shall assume all responsibility for the actions, discipline and well being of the associate member. Associate members have no other privileges of membership other than the privilege of attending and participating in scheduled events. Associate members do not pay dues nor can they be assessed for other fees or assessments. Associate members must be part of the probationary or full member’s family individual liability insurance, or any such program as adopted by the officers or membership.
- Inactive Members Any full member who does not participate in any events during a year can be made an inactive member by the Captain or officers. An inactive member has all the rights and responsibilities of a full member except the right to vote. Once an inactive member participates in any organization function, that member will immediately become a full member again.
Section 5.04. Denial of Membership and Discipline. The organization has the right to deny membership to any person, issue an order to cease and desist activities, censor, counsel, issue an oral or a written reprimand, require financial restitution, fine, ban from holding future offices or to suspend, expel or otherwise discipline any member in any appropriate manner or action or combination of actions thereof deemed necessary by the membership.
Section 5.05. Dues, Fees and Assessments. The members shall pay dues, fees and assessments as governed by the By-laws of the organization. A one time membership fee of $50 shall be payable before or at the time of achieving full membership.
- Additionally, every member, full, prospective or associative, must have individual or group liability insurance or any such program as adopted by the officers or membership. Due to the nature of the insurance activated, any member that has not paid these liability insurance fees will temporarily be suspended from NPG membership until such time as these dues are paid and posted.
- By vote of the membership the organization may levy dues or assessments, or both, on the members. Such dues or assessments may be imposed upon all members of the same class either alike or in different amounts or proportions, and upon a different basis upon different classes of members.
Section 5.06. Resignation. Any member may resign his membership in the NPG at any time. Such resignation shall be made in writing/email and submitted to an officer. The member shall not be entitled to a refund of any dues or assessments paid to the organization. Upon rejoining the NPG, the past member must first go through the probationary period.
Article 6 – Discipline
Section 6.01. Corrections. Any officer of the NPG may issue a verbal correction at any time. Any officer may order any member who he deems to be acting in an unsafe manner from the exercise and order him not to return until the problem is corrected. The Commander or the designated field commander may order any member to cease participation at any exercise and to eject that person from the exercise for good cause.
Section 6.02. Suspension and/or Expulsion. The Captain, an elected officer or the membership may move to have a meeting for the suspension or expulsion of a member.
- Notice. Written/email notice of the meeting shall be given by, or at the direction of, the Secretary or other authorized person to each member of record entitled to vote at such meeting at least five (5) days prior to the meeting and to the disciplined member. The notice shall specify the general nature of the business to be transacted.
- Disciplinary Meeting. The disciplined member is required to attend the meeting or they may be suspended or expelled from membership without recourse. The meeting shall be considered an executive session and only full members in good standing may be present for the meeting and/or deliberation and/or finding of decision. Any elected officer of the organization may preside at the meeting. The disciplined member(s) are permitted to call witnesses to speak on their behalf. The Organization may call witnesses on its behalf. Any full member in good standing who is present may question the disciplined member(s).
- Voting. The membership may use any manner of voting as agreed upon by them to reach a decision.
- Reinstatement. Upon the completion of a suspension, a review of the conditions of suspension and its completion shall be done at a meeting by the membership. A vote will be taken to reinstate the disciplined member(s) to full membership in good standing or give cause as to the retention of suspension or expulsion.
- Expulsion. A decision for expulsion will take effect immediately. Expulsion results in the immediate termination of membership in the NPG.
- Miscellaneous. Any decisions made by the membership shall be final. A member on suspension shall continue to pay all dues, fees and assessments as required. Failure to timely pay such dues, fees or assessments shall result in termination of membership. No dues, fees or assessments shall be refunded due to expulsion. Any property belonging to the NPG and in possession of the disciplined member must be turned in to the NPG immediately if the disciplined member is suspended or expelled or be legally liable for the property.
Section 6.03. Voting in Disciplinary Actions. Any member(s) who is brought before a disciplinary meeting may not deliberate or vote to reach a decision in any disciplinary action.
Section 6.04. Causes for Disciplinary Action. Causes for disciplinary action shall include, but is not limited to:
- Obscene, irresponsible, abusive or inappropriate behavior causing a disgrace to the organization;
- Actions causing danger to themselves or other members of the NPG, the public or host event personnel;
- Excessive, obscene, abusive, irresponsible, inappropriate, or abusive language anytime during an event or to direct such language to another member or other party;
- Excessive use of alcohol leading to the disgrace of the organization;
- Use or possession of any Federally illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia or controlled substances unless prescribed by a medical doctor;
- Abuse or destruction of NPG, division or other members equipment or property;
- Abuse or destruction of an event host’s personnel equipment, structure or site;
- Theft of NPG, other members or event host’s funds, property, equipment or personal property.
Article 7 – Miscellaneous
Section 7.01. Checks. The Captain and the Treasurer are authorized to sign checks written from the account of NPG.
Section 7.02. Deposits. All funds of the Organization shall be deposited from time to time to the credit of the organization in such banks, trust companies or other depositories as the officers may approve or designate.
Section 7.03. Amendment of the By-laws. The By-laws of the organization may be amended or repealed, or new By-laws may be adopted by vote of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the entire membership who are entitled to vote at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose. Any change in these By-laws shall take effect when adopted unless otherwise provided in the resolution effecting the change. Amendments to the By-laws may be proposed by any full member in good standing
Section 7.04. Standing Orders. The officers may establish standard operating procedures for the conduct of its business and the safety of the membership and public. Such standing operating procedures may be amended as needed by the officers without amendment to the By-laws. Such standard operating procedures may be referred to in an appendix to this document. Such standard operating procedures shall not conflict with these By-laws.
Article 8 – Events
Section 8.01 Member
- All dressed members must dress according to organization standards to be found in an appendix to this document
- Each member should notify the Captain as soon as possible if he/she will be attending an event.
- When at an event, members must notify the officer in charge of their whereabouts at all times.
- Members will be expected to perform their assigned camp duties.
- If the organization requests a member to bring special equipment for demonstration and an extra cost is incurred, the extra expenses will be born by the organization if so requested by the member.
Section 8.02 Event
- All segments of all programs will first be approved by the officer in charge before being presented.
- If the organization requests a member to bring special equipment, items or demonstrations, these become part of the NPG’s demonstration for that event. The NPG is responsible to help with said equipment, items or demonstration if needed.
Section 8.03 Weapons
- The Officers of NPG will set and enforce all safety rules standards to be found in an appendix to this document.
- No firearms may be discharged without permission of the officer in charge.
- The following will prevent a member from participating in a tactical held at an event:
- Gun is too dirty from previous firings. Officer in charge will decide.
- Member does not have a cleaning pick.
- Member does not have enough blank rounds.