- Sunday, January 19 - 2 PM: Gard Annual Meeting at the Old Colony Club, 25 Court Street, Plymouth and via Zoom. Members only.
- Saturday, February 15 - 10 AM to Noon: Establishment Day at Pilgrim Hall Museum, 75 Court Street, Plymouth
- Saturday, April 26 - 10 AM - 2 PM: Spring Musket and Pike Drill. Location TBD.
- Saturday, May 17 - 12 PM: Town of Mansfield MA 250th Parade (tentative).
- Saturday-Monday, May 24-26: The Fur Trade at Fort Western/Cushnoc Trading Post, Augusta, ME.
- Sunday-Monday, June 1-2: Ancient and Honorable Encampment and Parade at Boston Common and Faneuil Hall.
- Saturday, June 21: Tactical Pequot War at Dennison House, Stonington, CT.
- Saturday-Sunday, June 28-29: New Netherlands Marketplace, New Paltz, NY.
- Fridays, August 1, 8, 15, 22 at 6 PM: Various Gard members will join in the Pilgrim Progress. The group steps off from the Mayflower House on North Street.
- Monday, September 1: The Gard will be attending the 201st Birthday Celebration of Pilgrim Hall Museum.
- Saturday-Sunday, September 6-7: Rehoboth, MA Timeline (tentative).
- Saturday-Sunday, October 11-12: Encampment at the 1809 Hedge House, Plymouth MA. Details and program TBD.
- Saturday, November 22: America’s Hometown Thanksgiving Parade and Celebration. We will be marching in the parade and displaying at the Historic Village encampment in Brewster Gardens
- Thursday, November 27th 10 AM: Thanksgiving Day Pilgrim Progress. The group steps off from the Mayflower House on North Street